4 lbs white pea beans
4 sliced onions
2 tbsp salt
8 tsp cider vinegar
4 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp dry mustard
1 cup molasses (or more)
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4-1/2 lb sliced salt pork, lean pork, or bacon
And the secret ingredient (If you have it. But don't worry if you don't. You'll see about that further in the recipe)
Sort and rinse beans. SOAK BEANS OVERNIGHT in fridge covered in cold water. Check after a couple of hours, you may need to add some more water.
Drain. Add 20 cups cold water
Cover, heat to boiling, then simmer 30 minutes or until nearly tender. (The beans should be tender at this point, they will not become any softer in the oven) Drain again.
Add all remaining ingredients in a large heavy casserole or pot, stirring to combine. Add enough water to cover mixture.
(Or you can use the secret ingredient here - sauce you saved from this pulled pork fajitas recipe plus enough water to cover)

Cover with lid and bake in oven at 250F for 7 hours.
Always keep an eye that they don't get dry. Add warm water as needed to keep beans covered.
At this point you can take out 1-2 cups of beans and mash, then stir back into the pot. And I usually add more molasses than called for, but that's a matter of taste.
One hour before serving, remove cover to darken the beans.
With a large recipe like this you'll want to freeze some for later in the winter.
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