Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Phony" Milles Feuilles

Need a dessert for a crowd? Stanley Cup playoffs, Grey Cup party, Super Bowl?   Can't go wrong with this one.
(Nutella variation at the end of this recipe)

1 box graham crackers
2 boxes (6 serving size each) pudding (cooked or instant)
2 cups icing sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp milk
few chocolate chips

Line a 9 X 13 pan, or 2 - 8 X 8 pans with graham crackers. I used 8 X 8 pans here so hubby could take one and we could have one at home : )  You can cut the crackers with a sawing motion to fit the pan. Prepare your pudding, any flavour you like.  I like chocolate and vanilla. 

Once your pans are lined pour in the first pudding (divided in half if using 8 X 8).  Put another layer of crackers on top of the pudding, then pour in the second layer of pudding and cover again with crackers.
Prepare icing mixing sugar, vanilla and milk together. I made a thin glaze but you could put a thicker icing on if you like. Spread on top.  Melt a few chocolate chips (about 10) then mix in a little icing sugar and milk.  Put this in a snack sized ziplok bag and snip a small corner in the bag.  Pipe lines of chocolate over the white icing.  Then drag a toothpick through the chocolate lines to make the milles feuilles pattern. (In this last image I made a mistake and only went one way with the toothpick.  You should go up and down to get the right pattern).  

Like this:

Chill overnight for best results.

Nutella variation:
Spread nutella on top of the bottom graham cracker.  For this one I used only 1 vanilla pudding mix and folded in a couple of tablespoons cocoa nibs, using one 8 X 8" pan.

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