Sunday, June 29, 2014

Chocolate Butter Sauce for Cupcakes

This recipe was in my husband's family for years.  Momma, his grandma, made it alot.  It's one of his favourite things. That's why he got cupcakes and chocolate sauce for his 60th birthday instead of a traditional birthday cake.

For the sauce you'll need:

1/2 cup sugar
1  1/2 oz unsweetened (or semi) chocolate squares
2  1/2 cups boiling water
3 tbsps. butter
4 tbsps flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla

Boil the water in a pot, then add sugar and chocolate and heat over medium heat until chocolate melts.  Set aside.

In another pot melt butter and add the flour and salt using a whisk to blend.  (like making bechamel sauce).  

Slowly pour in the chocolate mixture, whisking as you do so as not to make a lumpy sauce.

Cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes.  Remove from heat and add the syrup and the vanilla.

Pour over white cupcakes. Any cupcakes will do, but this is a good one to try.

In fact, this sauce would be good over chocolate cake too, or even on ice cream. 
And here's the birthday boy.

Other recipes you might like are:

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