Thursday, July 31, 2014

Apple Roses Strudel

This is a very pretty strudel.  Don't be intimidated, it's easy to make.

You'll need:

3-4 apples (Fuji, Granny Smith, Pink lady, all good choices)
ginger ale
puff pastry
zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp white sugar
honey to drizzle
icing sugar to dust

Slice apples and leave them in a bowl of ginger ale for a few minutes to prevent them from browning. Then drain and pat dry.

Cut a 1 inch strip of puff pastry and slightly overlap apple slice halves.  Roll up to form roses.  Have a sheet of puff pastry laid out on a parchment lined baking sheet and brush it with melted butter.  Place the roses on top.  Make as many or as few as you like, then cover the rest of the puff pastry sheet (leaving a border of puff showing) with apple slices, overlapping as you go.

Brush with melted butter, sprinkle top with lemon zest, cinnamon, brown and white sugar.
Bake at 400F for 20 minutes.

Drizzle with honey, cool and dust with icing sugar.

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