Thursday, August 28, 2014

Easy Grape Jam

These grapes had been hanging around too long. Yuck
So I turned them into jam.

To a saucepan add:

1 cup sugar
3/4 - 1 cup grapes (red, black or green)

Bring to a boil, then simmer until thickened.  At first you'll see the sugar get lumpy, but as the fruit cooks down the sugar will melt.

Stir while cooking on medium heat for 20-30 minutes.

Remove from heat and add 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Pour into sterilized jars.

These were very flavourful grapes, but they had seeds. Next time I'll use seedless.

Keep in fridge or process jars in a hot water bath for 10-15 minutes.  Makes 2 small jars of jam.

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