Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pizza Roll on the BBQ

This could be my new favourite thing!!  

Just take your pizza dough, 
You could use the one from this recipe:

and stretch it out to make a rectangle of about 8 X 12 inches.
You can make it longer or just use any extra dough to make a regular pizza for the grill like this.

Top your pizza roll as you would any pizza....sauce, veggies, pepperoni, mozzarella.  I didn't put too much stuff on this first attempt because I wasn't sure if too much filling would make it sloppy.  Leave a one inch border around the edge.

Roll it up and pinch the edge and the ends to seal.

Take a piece of foil and coat with olive oil.  Roll the pizza roll onto the foil and drizzle with some more olive oil.

Close up you foil pack and put it in the fridge until you want to BBQ it. 

Preheat the BBQ to about 500F.  I used a pizza stone, but you could probably put it right on the grill.  (Note:  a friend tried not using a pizza stone....wasn't so good.  Use a pizza stone!)
You shouldn't have flames coming up, but I just thought this shot looked way more interesting than the one without flames : - )

Bake your pizza roll for 15 minutes and flip it over baking another 15 minutes.

Cool 10 minutes, cut and enjoy.
If you've made the pizza to go on the grill simply leave the roll wrapped in foil for the 10 or 11 minutes it'll take for the pizza to bake.

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