Thursday, September 25, 2014

Frozen Whole Chicken in the Slow Cooker

The other day I was going out to see some friends for a late breakfast/early lunch and knew from past experience that by the time I got home I wouldn't want to start cooking supper. We tend to linger  : )  

I didn't even have anything defrosted before I left the house. I simply grabbed a frozen chicken out of the freezer, ran it under cold water just to get the little diaper thingy off the bottom of it, put it in the slow cooker with some stuff for flavour and hoped for the best.


2  1/2 lb frozen chicken
1 whole chili pepper
2 bay leaves
1/2 cup BBQ sauce (whatever one you like)
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp lemon juice

Put the chicken in the slow cooker, add the chili pepper and bay leaves. Brush with the BBQ sauce, then add the water and lemon juice to the bottom of the pot.

While I was getting ready to go out I set the temperature on high planning on leaving it there for 1 hour, then turning down to low before heading out.  I forgot to turn it down so by the time I got home 5 hours later (told you we like to linger) it was well cooked and almost all the liquid had cooked away.  Next time I would plan on checking it after 4 hours, but even after 5 hours the chicken was still very juicy. 
Going to have to experiment with cooking on low to see how long it would take from frozen.  My guess would be 1 hour on high and 6-8 hours on low.  That was my original plan.

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