Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pineapple Basil Jam

I was on a roll today making jams.  Had some extra basil left over from making this tomato sauce


and thought, hey, this might go well with pineapple!

Put these ingredients in a saucepan.

1 cup fresh pineapple, cut in 1/4 inch pieces
1 cup sugar
4 basil leaves, very finely chopped

Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.  Mash halfway through. (I think I'd wear this smell as a perfume)
Put a small dish in the freezer.  You'll need it later to check jam consistency.

Anyways, after 15 minutes remove from heat. Take your dish out of the freezer and put a spoonful in the middle.  Tilt the dish.  If it's too runny like the one on the left here, boil a few minutes longer until it gets more like the one on the right. 

When you are finished cooking add 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Fill sterilized jars. I pressed a basil leaf on the inside of the jar for fun.

This batch made two small jars.  Process in a hot water bath for 10-15 minutes.  Don't forget to check that the seals are good in about 24 hours.
Note:  If your jam ends up being too thick, just empty the jars into a saucepan, add some juice (like apple), bring to a boil, then fill re-sterilized jars and process as before.

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