Thursday, September 11, 2014

Refreshing Watermelon Mint Sorbet

If you've had a big meal then this is just the light and refreshing dessert you need to finish up.


3  1/2 cups cubed watermelon, fresh or frozen, puréed to make 2  1/2 cups 

2 tsps. finely chopped mint leaves (more if you like it minty)
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (3 lemons, zested)
1 tsp lemon zest
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup white corn syrup

Purée the watermelon in a food processor.  Set aside.

Before juicing the lemons, finely grate the peel. Any that you have leftover from this recipe you can put in a ziplok in the freezer for another use. My old little juicer was my Mom's but it still does the trick.

In a saucepan heat together mint, lemon juice and zest, sugar and corn syrup until sugar is dissolved.

Mix watermelon and liquid together, pour into a container and freeze a few hours or overnight.

After it has been in the freezer, break it up and place it back in the food processor and purée again until smooth.  
Refreeze in a container.
Now you are ready to scoop and serve!

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