Saturday, November 8, 2014

Chili Pickled Beets

Ok, this is the last beet recipe I'm going to make this fall. Cook beets in salted boiling water until tender.  Do not peel.  Medium beets will take about 50-60 minutes.  Drain and drop into cold water for a few minutes.  Remove peel easily.

10-12 medium beets, cooked
6 chili peppers
1  1/2 cups white vinegar
1 cup brown sugar
10 whole cloves
pinch salt
pinch pepper

Place cooked sliced beets and 1 chili pepper in each sterilized jar.

Combine 2 chili peppers, vinegar, brown sugar, cloves, salt and pepper in a saucepan and bring to a boil. 

Pour vinegar over beets and apply lids.  Process in hot water bath 10-15 minutes. 

I made 3 pint jars and had to mix up another half recipe of vinegar for a quart jar.
(Adapted from the Five Roses cookbook)

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