Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sour Cream Corn Bread

I usually find corn bread crumbly, but this one isn't. Probably because of the sifting.
And it's quite moist too.

3/4 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
2  1/2 tbsps sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp salt

2 tbsps butter, melted
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 egg, beaten
4 tbsps milk

Sift the dry ingredients together. I know, sifting seems like a pain in the butt, but it does make a difference in your finished product incorporating air around all the granules like the corn meal. It can also catch little bits of debris that might be in the flour and you don't want in your baking. I see a little crumb right there ...

Mix together the melted butter, sour cream, yogurt (I actually used honey yogurt), and milk.
Mix both the dry and wet ingredients together and pour into a parchment lined loaf pan.  It should look like this.

Bake at 425F for 30 minutes.  Cool in pan 10 minutes then turn out and peel off the paper.
Oh my!

Cool completely on a wire rack covered with a tea towel before slicing.

Adapted from

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