Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sweet and Spicy Pork Roast

If you want to have a roast for dinner but know you won't have time to cook it, like us running out to our daughter's late afternoon basketball games, this roast can be made a day or two before.
I think it's actually better than on the first day.

1.287 kg (about 2 1/2 lb) boneless pork loin roast
2 tbsps. olive oil
2 tbsps. maraschino cherry liquid (or honey)
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 - 1 tsp chili powder (depends on how spicy you like it)
1 tsp paprika

1-2 tsp cornstarch

Mix liquids together and pour over meat.

Mix spices and sprinkle on top.  This can stay in the fridge a few hours so the flavours have time to really get into the pork.

When ready to roast, heat the oven to 450F and put the meat in uncovered for 15 minutes.
Reduce heat to 350F, spoon pan juices over top, and cook 30 minutes.

Spoon juices again and cover pan roasting for a further 40 minutes. Rest meat before slicing. Heat the pan with all the dark bits and whisk in 1-2 tsp cornstarch to thicken.  Salt and pepper to taste and you'll have a dark and flavourful demi-glaze. You can add wine if you need more liquid, but I didn't find it was necessary.

So like I said, if you can cook this the day before needed, refrigerate it, then slice cold, you will have really nice pieces of meat. Just heat and serve.  

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