Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sweet Mincemeat Tarts

1 jar sweet mincemeat 
1 short crust recipe

You can use Cross and Blackwell sweet mincemeat which is probably the best there is or you can make your own. It's a close second  : )

Here's how:


Roll out your pie crust and cut out circles to fit a little larger than your tart pan.  Use a cookie cutter or try various glasses from your cupboard, like I did, until you find the right size.
Fit the pastry into the mold and flute the edges.
Fill about 2/3 full with mincemeat.  Use a cookie cutter shape you like to cut out the tops and sit them on top.
My husband likes hand pies better than tarts so here is my attempt at them.  I never get the amount of filling right and it oozes out.  See here, it's already running out even before baking....grrrr.
I won't show you the finished product, too messy.
Once you have the tarts made, brush them with milk or egg white and sprinkle with sugar.
They're ready for the oven.
Bake at 450F for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350F for another 10 minutes.
They are Santa's favourite when he stops by our house!
And a little variation is to make them like dumplings. 
Cut a circle, put a spoonful of mincemeat in the middle and bring the two sides up, crimping at the top. Pierce with a fork.

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