Monday, November 24, 2014

Yogurt Potato Puffs

When you have some mashed potato leftovers turn it into this with your next meal.
I got a 3 thumbs up for this one!
Or prepare mashed (you can even double it) to make ahead for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

1 cup mashed potatoes
2 tbsps. Greek yogurt
1/2 cup shredded old cheddar
1 egg
2 tbsps. parmesan
1/2 tsp paprika
salt and pepper (but remember you probably had salt and pepper in your mashed, so taste first)
parsley to garnish

Mix all ingredients and spoon into sprayed or buttered muffin tins.

Bake 400F for 25 - 30 minutes.
They should come away from the sides, but if not just run a knife around to loosen.  If you like, serve them with sour cream.

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