Sunday, December 28, 2014

Turkey Minestrone

It's almost a week past Christmas and that turkey is still sitting in my fridge.  Ok buddy, I'm taking care of you today!

1 turkey carcass
2 broccoli stalks (after the florets have been removed)
handful of asparagus stalks (the woody ends)
1 piece of parmesan rind
2 bay leaves

3 carrots, diced
2 celery stalks, sliced
3 mushrooms, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
2 strips cooked bacon and cooked asparagus (or leftover Bacon Pepper Asparagus from dinner)
1 clove garlic, minced
3-4 tbsps tomato paste
1 - 540 ml (19 oz) can red kidney beans
1-2 tbsps chopped fresh parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Remove most of the turkey meat from the carcass for other uses, then toss the bones and wings into a large soup pot. Having had broccoli for Christmas dinner I saved the stalks, tossed them in too. Same goes for the woody ends of the asparagus from dinner.  Add a piece of parmesan rind and 2 bay leaves and fill the pot with 20-22 cups of cold water. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 2  1/2 hours.
Remove the bones, meat, stalks and bay leaves.
Now take a large piece of cheesecloth and cover the top of another pot with it.  Tie with a string or try using a large elastic to secure the cheesecloth. Carefully ladle the soup from the soup pot to the second pot, straining everything out and leaving a good stock. Return stock to the large soup pot.
After it sits awhile you can strain off some of the fat.
Clean the bones of any remaining meat.  There should still be quite alot.  I got about 3 cups.  Add this meat back to the stock.
Next add the carrots, celery, mushrooms, onion, garlic and tomato paste.
You could add a couple slices of cooked chopped bacon here, along with some asparagus.
I had leftover Bacon Pepper Asparagus
so I chopped a few of them up and added them to the pot.
Bring back to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, a further 30 minutes.

Add the kidney beans and salt and pepper to taste.
Remove from heat and stir in the fresh parsley.
Keep some in the fridge to serve this week.

Freeze the rest in containers for later this winter.

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