Saturday, December 13, 2014

Vegetable Eggrolls

Don't be intimidated.  These are really quite easy to make.

1 daikon (Chinese winter radish, optional)
1/2 cabbage
3 carrots
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsps. fresh ginger, minced

1 pkg- approx. 48 egg roll wrappers

1 tbsp. rice or white wine vinegar
1 tbsp. light soya sauce
1/4 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper (or more)

1 tbsp. cornstarch
1/4 cup cool water

2 1/2 - 3 cups vegetable or peanut oil
Shred the daikon, cabbage and carrots in a food processor.  Or by hand if you feel so inclined.  Add minced garlic and ginger. 

Heat 1 tbsp. vegetable oil in a wok and add the vegetables. Cook for 1 minute. Mix the vinegar, soya sauce, sugar, salt and pepper and add to the vegetables, mixing and cooking for another minute.  Remove the vegetables to a baking sheet.  Spread them out to cool and place something under one corner of the pan so that any liquid will accumulate and can be removed.
On to the rolling of the egg rolls....
Take 1 heaping tbsp. of filling and place in center of wrapper.  Mix water and cornstarch together and use to seal the edges.  Just dip your finger in and spread along the edge of the wrapper.
Fold the bottom corner up, then the sides in like an envelope.  Now roll up firmly. Always keep the dough covered with a dish towel so it doesn't dry out.
Once everything is rolled up you're ready to fry.
Heat the oil in the bottom of a wok or deep fryer. For safety reasons use a flat-bottom wok on the stove.  Use a thermometer and bring the temperature up to 350 - 375F.  Using an electric stove, I set my dial on 5-6.
Place eggrolls in hot oil using tongs, 4 or 5 at a time.  Fry for 1 minute then flip them over for another 1 minute.
Use a slotted utensil to remove them from the oil.
Place on a paper towel lined baking sheet to cool before eating or packaging to freeze.
Deep frying is a messy job so expect to clean the stove and the counter and the floor when you're done  : )
Oh and not one eggroll came apart and blew up in the oil!
Yay me!!
Serve with plum sauce.

Made 50 two-bite egg rolls
The daikon cost $1, the cabbage $0.50, egg roll wrappers $7.00. Pretty inexpensive right? 

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