Thursday, January 15, 2015

Steamed or Baked Asian Pear

Over the holiday period we received this lovely box of Korean pears from the family of our daughter's boyfriend. (Also known as Asian, Chinese, Japanese or apple pears)
I had only ever eaten one raw, but had never cooked one. 
We were told that in Korea people steam their pears, eaten warm as a remedy for sore throat and cough.
Also tasty served cold as a dessert.

This was my first attempt at cooked Korean pear.


1 Korean pear
2 tbsps honey
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
1  1/2 tbsps chopped nuts, I used cashews
1 tbsp dried cranberries
sprinkle of cinnamon

Every pear comes packed in it's little protective sleeve. (These would be great if you are going to be moving.  Save them for packing cups or other breakables, but I digress)  
Wash the pear and slice the top off.
Cut down around the core with a knife, being careful not to cut through the bottom or your finger : )
Then scoop out the core with a spoon.
Put the rest of the ingredients in the cavity of the pear
and sprinkle with cinnamon. Replace the top.
Steam in a double boiler for 1 hour.
It's amazing how it stayed so firm, or maybe I didn't steam it long enough. 

Next I tried a baked pear, similar to how I would normally make a baked apple.

I cut the pear in half. They are incredibly BIG!
The two halves fit perfectly in my 9 X 5 X 3" loaf pan, nice and snug.

Half fill the cavity with raisins, chopped dates or prunes.

Mix together:
2 tbsps brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp chopped nuts (your choice)

Put this mixture in next tapping down gently. And again, sprinkle with cinnamon.
Top with 1/2 tsp butter each. 
Add 3/4 cup of boiling water to the bottom of the pan.
Bake at 375F for 1 hour spooning juices over top.
And it still kept it's shape!
Now what else can I make with Asian pear I wonder?

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