I started this blog so my daughters could find all of our family favourite recipes in one place. It has actually grown into more than just the family favourites but also other recipes we've tried out in our kitchen. I don't like to fill up the post with alot of chatter. Sometimes there's a little story to tell, but usually I like to get right to the point. So this is for them, but hope you find some recipes that you like as well. I'll be sharing a lot of recipes, and along the way you'll find some crafty things and maybe some helpful hints too! Welcome!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goat Cheese and Honey

Just one more bite!

herbed goat cheese
liquid honey
crisp crackers

Unfortunately these cannot be made ahead of time as the crackers will go soft, but they are easy to put together.

Or you could put everything out on a tray and let your guests build their own!

A dab of cheese on the cracker. I used beet crisps here because I liked the colour but the beet taste may have taken away from the other flavours.  A plain wheat cracker might have been a better choice.

Top with a blackberry and drizzle with honey.

Pop it in your mouth!

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