Friday, January 6, 2023

Baked Shrimp Scampi

Little shrimp scampi, pre-butterflied, were an easy dish to prepare. But I should have followed my instinct and not the recipe I was following. They called for the scampis to be placed cut side down in the baking dish. That meant the shell side was up with the topping on it. Didn't make sense. Flavouful to be sure, but next time I'm going cut side up!

1 lb scampi tails, butterflied in shell

1 1/2 tbsps olive oil
1 tbsp white wine
salt and pepper to taste

4 tbsps butter, at room temperature
2 tsps minced garlic
1 tbsp minced green onion
1/2 tsp dry parsley
1/4 tsp fresh chopped rosemary
2 pinches red pepper flakes
3/4 tsp lemon zest
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 egg yolk
1/3 cup Panko
salt and pepper to taste

lemon wedges to serve

So, pretty easy... combine the olive oil, white wine, salt and pepper and toss in the shrimp scampi. Set aside while you make the topping.
In a small bowl mash the topping ingredients together. 
Oil a 10" baking dish and arrange the scampi, side by side, cut side UP not down as shown in these photos! Pour the remaining marinade over them then spread the butter mixture on top.

Bake in a 425°F oven for 8-10 minutes then broil 1 minutes to brown the top.

They ended up being tasty although not terribly pretty to look at. Sometimes when you're cooking you have to go with your gut! Luckily they were part of a pretty seafood plate!

Shrimp Kebabs:

and Herbed Lobster Tails:
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