Friday, June 16, 2023

Garlic Scapes and Sole

Years ago, when I was first married and didn't know anything about cooking, I tried a recipe for fish with soya sauce. The fish was literally swimming in soya sauce, it was horrible and it's story lives on in infamy in our house. This is NOT that recipe! In this recipe the sole is lightly flavoured with honey and garlic and garnished with fresh sautéed garlic scapes. Scapes have a short-lived season starting in late spring so check out the farmer's market near you and try them!

400 g fillet of sole
black pepper to taste
2 tbsps avocado oil
2 tbsps honey
1-2 tsps minced garlic
2 tbsps soya sauce
2 tsps lemon juice
garlic scapes
olive oil

A scape is a shoot from the garlic plant when growing garlic bulbs. It is trimmed off once it starts to curl to allow the growing energy to go to the bulb rather than the flower.

Scapes are like chives but a little crunchier and with a mild garlic flavour. The whole thing is edible but I find the bud, where the flower would have developed if not cut, and the pointy end are not as tender. So I cut them just under the bud.

Combine the honey, minced garlic, soya sauce and lemon juice in a small bowl and set aside. Pat the fillets dry with paper towels, sprinkle with pepper and heat avocado oil in a skillet to medium high. Fry the fish in hot oil 1 minute per side, then pour the soya sauce mixture over them. Cook 2-4 minutes or until lightly glazed.

In another pan heat a little olive oil and sauté whole or chopped scapes for 2-3 minutes or until they turn bright green. Serve over the sole, or if you have alot of scapes they can be your side veggie!
These were from my small backyard garden and were tender and delicious. Guess I'm going to have to plant more garlic in the fall to enjoy more scapes next spring!

Serves 2-3
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