I started this blog so my daughters could find all of our family favourite recipes in one place. It has actually grown into more than just the family favourites but also other recipes we've tried out in our kitchen. I don't like to fill up the post with alot of chatter. Sometimes there's a little story to tell, but usually I like to get right to the point. So this is for them, but hope you find some recipes that you like as well. I'll be sharing a lot of recipes, and along the way you'll find some crafty things and maybe some helpful hints too! Welcome!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Clementine Cashew Cake

Here's a bright dessert that's flourless and fabulous! And the perfect use of less than perfect clementines. If you've got some getting a little soft bake this up right now or pop the clementines into the freezer whole for later use (like I did).


200g (4 small, 7 oz) clementines, fresh or frozen

4 eggs

120g (4 oz) sugar

175g (6 oz) ground cashews

1 tsp baking powder

Cook the clementines in the microwave in a covered dish with a little water on high for 8-10 minutes. Then drain off the water and let cool. Cut in half and remove any pips. Place everything else (yes even the peel) in a food processor and pulse to a pulp. Add the remaining ingredients to the food processor and mix together for 20-30 seconds. Oil and flour a 1.5L (6" X 6" X 2") baking dish, pour the batter in and bake at 375°F for 40-45 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean. Cool on rack.

Makes 8 servings

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